Client Testimonials

Did you know that 80% of people who start a fitness program on their own FAIL!  Not because the program wasn't good, but because of a lack of support! This is why the online  group setting really works.  The accountability it provides is incredible!  Even when you join a gym, do you have someone who will check up on you? Makes sure you ACTUALLY go and get in a good workout? Probably not.  The clients that commit to these groups always see the best results!

Here's some results & testimonials from some of my group coaching clients:

Erin is a mom of 2 and has lost 75 lbs over the course of her journey in my Challenge Groups.
"My first Challenge Group literally changed my life. I finally had the accountability and motivation I needed without feeling pressure to outperform myself. The nutrition and fitness principles I learned have helped me shed 75 lbs and helped me to learn to love my life again."

Melanie is a working gal who lost 11 lbs!
"Joining this challenge group was one of the best decisions I made when beginning my journey to health. It gave me every bit of support I needed by surrounding me with people who were in the same exact boat as me. My results from doing were more amazing than I could've imagined and completing the program has made me an entirely new person, not just a new body. It's strengthened not only my body and my muscles but it's made me feel more empowered and able to reach any dream I've ever had."

Melissa lost 4lbs and 5 inches in 21 days.  She is a teacher and a mom of 2.
"I thought I was at my goal weight before but this has gotten me results
I didn't even know I wanted.  I haven't seen this much definition or had
this much ENERGY since before babies!"

Kalyne lost 7 lbs in my Challenge. 
"I feel more energized, refreshed and STRONGER! The nutrition plan and Shakeology definitely maximized
my results as well because I have SO much more energy to workout now! Being a part
of this group really helped hold me accountable.  The support I received from Jackie and the
other challengers was unlike anything else! I'm a lifer!"

Ashley is a mom of 2 who lost 6 lbs and 8 inches!
"This challenge has changed me in a way that I feel more confident about myself. That it is possible to lose the weight that I gained from being pregnant. it has shown me that if I push myself I can achieve my goals. Before this I never thought I would be skinny again that I would have stamina and flexibility. I just think it was a great workout program because it helped me get my nutrition under control and the confidence I needed to keep working out on a daily basis."

"I'm down 4.5lbs and 8.8in!! I love accountability! These groups make me so much stronger and determined. Now I get to do this for others and I feel so blessed to be able too! I literally feel stronger and more confident each day. I go to bed tired and proud of myself and the good choices that I made and I wake up excited to do it again. Most importantly my kids see my hard work and see me making healthier choices for myself and our family. Thanks for all the inspiration ladies! We rock!"

- Pamela

"This group was a great way to re-introduce daily workouts into my routine after having a baby and going back to work full time.  It showed me that it is possible to dial in on your eating habits and get a workout in even when you have a busy lifestyle.  Most importantly, it reminded me that there are many women out there who have the same daily struggles as I do, but, together we can be good mothers AND get some much needed personal time!"

- Raechelle

"You have been so inspirational to me, I have tried the "healthy lifestyle" journey many times on my own and failed.  Your motivation and passion for what you do is what helps hold me accountable and has truly changed my lifestyle.  I now know how much and what kinds of food my body needs.  I don't have to think about my intake much because eating right is becoming second nature.  I have you to thank for that!"

- Carrie

"Since I signed up I have lost 62lbs & 22 inches. ...I can't even begin to explain to you how much this has changed me. I never thought it was possible to see beauty in the mirror without being "skinny." I never thought my husband thought I was pretty-even though he told me a hundred times lol I just had a bad emotional/mental problem in the reflection I saw in the mirror. I never knew how bad I was until I started this. My biggest goal is just to see beauty and love myself in & out. Now I'm there! Thank you Jackie, times a million for offering this opportunity to me.  Thank you for teaching me about dreaming big & believing in me. My life is forever changed because your story shared a path that to change mine as well!!"


“I’m feeling leaned and toned! My abs are out again and I’ve had 2 people comment on my legs.  I even used my baby as a weight and he loved it! I was super skeptical but I'm really liking it and being able to stay with my baby and workout during his nap is much less stressful. Thanks for pushing me to give this a try. I absolutely do not regret it!!

- Elle

"Being 8 months pregnant I knew I wasn't joining this group to lose weight. However, I did want to stay healthy for my baby and build strength to help me get through labor and delivery. This group helped me to just that and get into a fantastic workout routine. It also left me with tons of positive comments from inspiring women every day!"

- Jenna

"Participating in this group with Jackie was incredibly motivating. The daily accountability to a group of wonderful ladies kept my mind and effort going in an upward direction. I felt closer to myself and to my new friends and wanted to make everyone proud. This group is becoming a must have for me, and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to workout with such amazing women!"

- Tessa

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