Why You Shouldn't Wait to Get Started - Fit Pregnancy Tip

I know many women who during their 1st trimester completely stop exercising because of the fatigue and nausea associated with this time.  Trust me - I have been there.  It’s the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling like you want to vomit or you’re so tired that you could just pass out.  

I had a handful of days during my 2nd and 1st pregnancy where I felt the same way and working out was just not a priority. But EVERY single gift God gave me of having a day or a moment where I felt better, not even “good” but just better, I took to do a workout and get my body moving.  And what I found was that 99% of the time when I just sucked it up and did it, I felt SO. MUCH. BETTER!

I felt more confident.  I felt less sick. I felt more energetic.  It all goes hand in hand.  Remember, this is not the time of your life you want to just take it easy.  You are training for the most athletic event of your life… CHILDBIRTH!    

That being said, I always recommend checking with your healthcare provider on what is best for you!  If you have an uncomplicated pregnancy and you were working out before getting pregnant you can continue to work out as before with some modifications.

You don’t have to over-do it to have a healthy and fit pregnancy.  Follow modifications on your workouts and really work on your body, don’t punish it.  

My biggest advice is to listen to your body.  If you can’t have a conversation during your workout, it’s probably too much.  And if you feel bored during your workout, you can probably challenge yourself slightly more.  And of course, if you’re in any kind of pain - JUST STOP!  While there are many exercises that are safe while pregnant, please make sure to stay within your boundaries of comfort and fitness level.

But overall I simply encourage you to just STOP PUTTING IT OFF! You can say tomorrow only so many times before you just have to TRY. Remember, we don't workout during pregnancy in vain - we do it to be healthy for our babies and to carry to full term as strong mamas! Always think about WHY you're doing it and that will keep you going.

For more tips on having a healthy pregnancy download a free copy of my TOP SECRETS to a Fit Pregnancy and Fitting it all In.



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